Did you ever
wonder how the pyramids of Egypt were built, what the Nazca lines of Peru were used for, or how
were the 1500 ton rock columns of Baalbek put up? It is clearly impossible that
any ancient people possessing no new technologies were able to build such huge
buildings. Well, who did build these magnificent wonders?
A recent
theory says that earth was visited by extraterrestrials many times during the
early ages. Those extraterrestrials are said to be the ones who passed down
knowledge to the people of the earth. Accounts of these visits are still
preserved in the Egyptian pyramids, the Mayan temples, and the Indian
In ancient Egypt, a hieroglyphic text
was found saying that the knowledge that Egypt possesses
was passed down to them on a silver plate. Could this silver plate be a flying
In the Mayan
ruins of Copán, a glyph shows a retreat from volcanoes erupting from under the
seas, men fleeing in canoes and temples crashing and falling into the ocean. A
man fleeing in a canoe was in the middle of this glyph. The strange thing about
it is that above this mans head, an unusual object was floating. This object had
landing gear under it and it looked very similar to a modern flying saucer.
In Baalbek, Lebanon, the largest worked stones on
earth are found, some 1500 tons each. How were these magnificent and extremely
heavy stones manipulated to be put in the way they are today noting that the
builders of Baalbek had no newly invented machines and that even the most
recently invented machines are still not able to support that much weight?

In India, manuscripts were found
describing the precise way to build and use flying machines called Vimanas. One
of those manuscripts says: “Strong and durable must the body of the Vihmana
be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the
mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power
latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting
inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are
such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, and move slanting
forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in
the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.” They also said that they possessed some of
these machines and used them for wars against other peoples such as the people
of Atlantis who also possessed some of these machines called Vailixi.

In Peru, located in the Pampa region, are found
the Nazca lines. More than 300 pictures only clearly visible from the sky are
found etched in the surface of the desert pampa sand. In 1969, Erich von Daniken, a writer
and researcher of the subject, floated the idea that airborne extraterrestrials
might have laid out the lines as runways for their aircraft.

In one of his best selling books “Chariots
of the Gods” published in 1968, Erich Von Daniken argued that spacecraft landed
long before modern humanity peopled the Earth. The ancient visitors carried out
breeding experiments and produced a creature intelligent enough to have the
rules of society imparted to it. These new beings invented agriculture and
became the first artists, then created their own warlike civilizations. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by an atomic bomb! The
Ark of the Covenant was an electrified transmitter that allowed Moses to
communicate with the astronauts! Von Daniken even claims that ancient astronauts
- complete with space helmets - were carved on stelae at the Mayan city of Copan!

Could it be that we are the descendants of
extraterrestrials? If so, why won’t they come and tell us so? Maybe they
regretted giving us their knowledge in the first place or they were disappointed
by our use of this technology. We can only try to make ourselves better perhaps
the same extraterrestrials will find us worthy of their intelligence one more