According to
the Greek philosopher Plato, there used to be a continent in the Atlantic Ocean. This continent was known by the name of
Atlantis. He describes that it sank beneath the ocean’s floor never to be found
As Plato
describes is his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, more than 9000 years ago (from
his time), there was some sort of conflict between the gods so they divided
earth between them. Poseidon, the god of the sea, got the continent in the Atlantic Ocean as his part. Poseidon then begat
children from a mortal woman and settled them in Atlantis. Plato then describes
the beauty of Atlantis and its people.
In the center
of the island there was a mountain in which dwelt one of the earth born primeval
men of that country, whose name was Evenor, and he had a wife named Leucippe,
and they had an only daughter who was called Cleito. After she reached womanhood
and her parents died, Poseidon fell in love with her and had intercourse with
her. Then he trapped her in the mountain with alternate rings of land and water
around it. He had five pairs of children from her so he divided the continent
into ten kingdoms, one for each child. His eldest son was named Atlas so he
named the island and the ocean around it after him.
kingdom was wealthier than any other kingdom in the world and a very prosperous
one. There were many special laws affecting the several kings inscribed about
the temples of Atlantis, but the most important was the following: They were not
to take up arms against one another, and they were all to come to the rescue if
any one in any of their cities tried to overthrow the royal house and they were
to deliberate in common about war and other matters, giving the supremacy to the
descendant of Atlas. And the king was not to have the power of life or death
over any of his kinsmen unless he had the assent of the majority of the
One time, the
kings of Atlantis decided to take over the rest of the earth and they started a
war against the kingdoms behind the straits of Hercules. Athens was one of the
kingdoms to be taken over by Atlantis. As the Atlantean kings started the war,
the gods were angry so they decided to punish Atlantis. The ground started to
shake violently and the whole continent of Atlantis sank in the Atlantic Ocean forever.
The legend of
Atlantis has interested many people over the ages. One of them was the psychic
clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) also known as the sleeping prophet. Cayce
used to put himself in a hypnotic trance
and then his wife or secretary would
ask him questions that he would answer. In the beginning, people came to him for diagnosis for
ailments that their doctors could not diagnose. Cayce would be able to not only
give a diagnosis, but to give prescriptions for treatments also. Cayce has given over 30,000 diagnoses with quite
incredible accuracy. He only used his ability to prescribe for the sick or to
give spiritual and vocational advice. He never sought fame or appeared publicly.
He did not seek wealth. His economic standing was often quite precarious and
never rose above that of modest security.
Later, he
started giving predictions. One of these predictions was about Atlantis and he
gave it on December 20, 1933. He said: “Poseidia will be amongst the
first portions of Atlantis to rise again— expect it ‘68 and ‘69–– not so far
Although some
people believe that what Cayce predicted was not true and that nothing from
Atlantis has appeared yet, his prophecy did come true and a part of Atlantis did
in fact appear near Bimini islands in the Bahamas. It was
named the Bimini wall or Bimini road.
Bimini was
nothing more than an obscure island 50 years ago. It was a small, marshy mound
only a few feet above sea level about 50 miles from the east Florida coast. If anybody
knew about Bimini, it was only fishermen. It was on Labor Day 1968 that the most
famous discovery was made—the huge stone formation. It happened when zoologist
J. Manson Valentine, in company of Harold Climo, Jacques Mayol and Robert
Angove, dived into the 18 foot depths off Paradise Point, Bimini. The
beautifully clear weather that day allowed the azure blue waters to highlight
darker forms of what appeared to be a manmade construction. Gliding over this
darkened form revealed huge polygonal stones, which seemed to have been joined
together in the same curious fashion, as the Inca walls of Peru. Even
though the stones had pillowed (edges rounded by the currents), the
interrelating angles of the joints were obvious. Some stones were massive in
length, 3 times that of a man’s height and now laying prostrate but in
geometrical position with other stones. An average for many stones was 8 x 10
feet, many of these lying neatly beside each other like rows of troops at
Can these structures be really a
part of Atlantis? If yes, can it be that Atlantis is rising again? Only time
will tell.