(Note: with the exception of book titles I use the Nawatl
Orthographic Convention when using Nawatl words).
Fifth Toltek Sun started on May 22, 311 CE. May 22 is the yearly
date of the northern zenithal passage of the Sun at the latitude
of Teotiwakan: the “City of the Gods.”

Precisely on that day, Venus transited through the face of the
solar disk, just as it had done 8 years earlier, on 24 May 303
CE. The Tolteks constructed the Pyramid of the Sun just on time
for this astronomical event. This twin astronomical event is
reflected on the myth of the creation of the Fifth Sun. Just as
the legend tells us; Ketzalkoatl threw himself into the fire
(first Transit of the pair) and went to Miktlan (land of the
dead) but failed to bring the bones of the ancestors, so next
was the turn of Xolotl, his twin brother who, after throwing
himself in the fire (second transit of the pair) and venturing
into Miktlan, successfully brought the bones of the ancestors
back. Ketzalkoatl-Xolotl (Venus) then bled over the bones of the
ancestors and created the new humanity. The birth of the Fifth
end of the Mayan Long Count on 2012 has generated momentous
interest throughout the world. This phenomenon has sprouted
numerous books and theories on the meaning of this event.
Researchers and authors span the gamut from academia to fringe
spiritual theories. Epiphenomena such as crop circles and the
re-emergence of the shamanic experience have also become an
important part of the 2012 movement. Yet there is one story that
is of paramount importance and has never been told outside of
Mexico. The following is only part of that story.
though I feel it’s necessary to give a personal account of where
my life intersects the story you are about to read. From 1968 to
1974, I often went with my grandmother to a small village in
Mexico called “Aldea de los Reyes”, this precious village sits
at the foot of the snowcapped volcano known as “Istaksiwatl”
(White Woman) the female companion to the active volcano known
as “Popokatepetl” (smoking Mountain).
grandmother, my brother, and I stayed in a small brick cabin
owned by a gentle woman, a childhood friend of my grandmother. I
remember clearly those days. The days were spent with my brother
exploring the small village and surrounding mountains, the
evenings were spent listening to wonderful stories told by my
grandmother and her friend. It was years later, when I was in my
twenties that I met her son: Antonio Velasco Piña “The Witness”.

Velasco Piña is well known in Mexico as the author of several
books on the re-emergence of Indigenous consciousness. Chief
among them is “Regina el Dos de Octubre no se Olvida” (Regina
October 2nd won’t be Forgotten). The following
account is based on that book, also on the book “El Despertar de
Teotihuacan” (The Awakening of Teotihuacán), and my personal
conversations with Antonio Velasco Piña. His books have not
been translated to English.
Regina was born in that same cabin where I spent unforgettable
childhood days. On March 21st. 1948 her soon to be
parents had gone on a trip to the nearby town of Amekameka. On
the way back to Mexico City, they stopped at the town of “Los
Reyes” to take in the scenery. Regina’s mother felt the pains of
labor and they sought refuge in the brick cabin owned by Velasco
Piña’s mother. Fortunately Antonio who was then a child of
twelve and his mother were at the cabin that day and readily
opened their doors to the pregnant couple. Antonio’s mother
called the local midwife to help with the birth of Regina.
Several months prior to the birth, the pregnant couple had gone
to India where they visited the Buddhist Temple at Shahjanpur.
At the temple, a visiting Tibetan Lama, Tschsandzo Tschampa,
approached the couple and told them that the soon to be born
child was an Avatar and asked them to move to Tibet where the
Lama would see to the her proper upbringing. Regina’s mother was
reluctant and decided to have Regina in Mexico. The young couple
promised the Lama that they would go to his monastery in Tibet
once the child was born.
Regina was indeed taken to Tibet by her parents. She spent her
childhood under the care of the Tibetan Lama Tagdra Rimpoche,
the same Lama who recognized the incarnation of the current
Dalai Lama. When Regina was only a couple of years old, she was
taken to visit the then young 14th Dalai Lama, who immediately
recognized her as a Daikini. Regina stayed in Tibet even after
the Chinese invasion. In 1958 the Chinese army killed her
parents who were living in Lhasa. Regina and her mentor hid in
an isolated cave in a remote area of Tibet in order to complete
her training. Eventually, the Chinese found them, killed the
Lama Tagdra Rimpoche, and imprisoned Regina for several years.
When she was 19 years old, the Chinese released her to the
Mexican authorities.
Regina arrived in Mexico City in 1968. Not knowing anyone there,
she headed to the only address she knew: Antonio Velasco Piña’s
mother’s house in Mexico City. She was received warmly and
invited to stay for as long as she desired. It was then that
Regina met Antonio Velasco Piña and asked him to witness and
chronicle the events that were sure to follow. Velasco Piña has
not only done that, but he also founded the Casa Tibet-Mexico,
which was inaugurated by the Dalai Lama in 1989. He is also an
indefatigable leader of the Reginos: the followers of Regina.
In a
few months, Regina became very active, promoting cultural events
around the recovery and recreation of the knowledge of the
ancient Mesoamericans. It was through her activities that she
met the four Secret Guardians of the Tradition. These four men
were the current Guardians of the Indigenous traditions (Toltek,
Sapotek, Maya and Olmek) that went underground since the Spanish
invasion. Depositories of ancient knowledge that they had
inherited from the previous Secret Guardians, these lines of
Guardians extend uninterrupted all the way back to 1521. These
four individuals upon meeting Regina knew it was time to start
the process of re-awakening the Pyramid of the Sun.
March 21st. 1968, when Regina turned twenty years
old, she and the four Secret Guardians of the Tradition, went
into the cave at the base of the pyramid and performed a ritual
ceremony to awaken its heart, its energetic center. According to
the Tradition, this center serves as a synchronous resonant
chamber that amplifies earthly and cosmic energies. After the
ceremony Regina explained to the Guardians of the Tradition that
there remained four energetic seals on the
seals had been put in place by the Toltek and had the effect of
inactivating the pyramid’s geo-energetic resonant function.
Regina and the Guardians knew that the spiritual energies of the
Earth were once again moving polarities, from the Himalayas to
the American Cordillera. It was the Tibetan Lamas who needed to
perform the rituals necessary to break the first three energetic
seals and only then she and the Secret Guardians could break the
fourth seal, which sat at the top of the pyramid.
Mexican agents murdered Regina on the night of October 2nd.
1968. She was shot from a helicopter during the infamous student
massacre that took place in Tlatelolko. Regina died on top of
the small pyramid at Tlatelolko surrounded by the four Secret
Guardians of the Tradition and the Witness, Velasco Piña. The
Guardians buried her body in a well-hidden cave in the
years later, the Witness, the four Secret Guardians of the
tradition, and the many followers of Regina, known as “Reginos”
were able to invite his Excellency the 14th Dalai Lama to
perform the first of four rituals needed to break the energetic
seals that kept the Piramid of the Sun from functioning
July 3rd. 1989, the Dalai Lama flew in a helicopter
to the ancient city of Teotiwakan and performed the first of
these rituals. Several thousand Reginos, dressed in white were
present at this ceremony. For the first time in over a thousand
years, the earth energy that emanates from the heart of the
Pyramid was allowed to flow out. But it only scattered through
the ground, like water from a broken faucet, losing its power as
three seals remained in place.
next year, on March 21st. 1990, under strict
instructions from the Dalai Lama, eight Lamas from the Ganden
Shartse Monastery conducted the second ritual ceremony. Over
30,000 Reginos were present at Teotiwakan for the occasion. This
time the energy flowed out of the pyramid and upwards but was
stopped by the third seal, which was located at the first
platform of the pyramid. The third ritual was scheduled for
March 21st. 1992, Tibetan Lamas were to conduct the
third of the four ritual ceremonies that would reopen the
energetic flow of the Pyramid of the Sun.
the two previous ritual ceremonies conducted at the Pyramid of
the Sun, the INAH or National Institute of Anthropology and
History, decreed that the ritual ceremony scheduled for March
21, 1992 would not be allowed. The permit that Casa Tibet-Mexico
(the organizers of these events) had applied for to bring ten
Tibetan Lamas from the Drepung Loseling Monastery, whose turn it
was to perform the third ritual ceremony at the Pyramid of the
Sun, was denied. The reason given to the public was that the
growing presence of people at the previous rituals (30,000
people attended the 1990 ritual ceremony) would damage the
structures at Teotiwakan. In order to prevent this event from
taking place, the INAH requested the presence of the Mexican
Army at the famous archaeological site.
Mexico and The Tibetan government in exile have no diplomatic
relations, while Mexico and China do. China had protested
against the character of these events. While the Mexican
Government had granted visas to the Tibetan Lamas, it appeared
likely that the third and final Tibetan ritual ceremony required
to open the third energetic seal of the Pyramid of the Sun would
not be performed.
the March days went by, the attitude of the Mexican Government
didn’t change. No permits were issued and the 5th
Artillery Regiment moved into the archaeological site of
Teotiwakan. It seemed that the ceremony was to be cancelled.
When the Lamas were told of the situation, they responded by
saying that they would risk their lives if necessary in order to
perform this ritual.
Around midnight on the 20th of March of 1992,
something extraordinary took place. The President of Mexico
Carlos Salinas de Gortari ordered
the Mexican army to leave Teotiwakan and countermanded the head
of the National Institute of History and Anthropology, who was
ordered by the President to grant the necessary permits for the
third ritual ceremony to be performed. What moved the President
to issue these instructions? Nobody knows. As a gesture of
gratitude to the President of Mexico, the Guardians of the
Tradition gave him a beautiful handmade book, one of an edition
of fifty, titled “The Aztec-Mexican Computations of Time”.

Around sunrise on March 21st. 1992, the Lamas arrived
at Teotiwakan.
They were ten: seven youths and three elders. Their leader
seemed more a warrior than a priest. The multitude of people
numbered close to 100,000, most of them followers of the
martyred Mexican Avatar, Regina. The Reginos, dressed in white,
presented an amazing picture, a sea of white that contrasted
with the colorful garments of the Tibetan Lamas. The lamas made
their way to the stairs of the Pyramid of the Sun and climbed to
the first platform where the third energetic seal was located.
On the platform a group of “Concheros” or traditional Aztec
dancers blew seashells, a symbol of Ketzalkoatl, sang, and
played traditional drums. Once the “Concheros” finished their
salutation to the five directions, the Lamas began their mudras
and chants. A that moment a dot of black manifested in the sea
of white, it moved slowly through the multitude towards the
great Pyramid of the Sun. They were thirteen people dressed in
black and armed with huge sticks, they were worshipers of
Tezcatlipoka: twelve men and one woman. The woman at the lead of
the precession kept repeating in a loud voice: “Out of here damn
foreigners, this is ours!” The spirit of peace that permeated
the multitude was firm and no one attempted to stop the
intruders. They made it as far as one of the corners of the
pyramid, but before they could start their ascent to the first
platform, Alberto Ruz (the son of the discoverer of Palenque)
with a contingent of Rainbow Warriors from Wewekoyotl (Old
Coyote) their community in Tepoztlan (the birthplace of Se
Akatl Topiltzin Ketzalkoatl), made a human barrier. The thirteen
worshipers of Tezcatlipoca decided to change their route and
attempt to ascend the pyramid through the stairs at the center
of the pyramid. The multitude realizing what was going on
reacted with a chant: “Tibet-Mexico! Tibet-Mexico” and some
people decide to stand in their way but were forced out of the
way with the huge sticks. The spirit of consciousness was such
that no one reacted violently to this aggression.

the thirteen worshippers of Tezkatlipoca arrived at the
platform, Mr. Miguel Limon, the Undersecretary of the Interior
for Migratory Affairs, and only official authority at the event,
reproached their attitude in very strong words and reminded them
of the traditional hospitality of the Mexican people. His words
disarmed six of the intruders who turned back. Seven of them
kept going past the Undersecretary. A second authority stepped
up to stop their advance on the Lamas. Domingo Dias Porta, known
as “Titolopochtli”, who with the support of the Guardians of the
Tradition has worked to recreate the Sacred Traditions of
Amerrikua. He spoke to them in a serene and quiet voice, he
expressed to them that Teotiwakan is nobody’s monopoly and it
belongs to the entire human race. Another six of the intruders
desisted from their goal to reach the Lamas. Only the woman kept
moving forward with the intention of attacking the Tibetan

sudden irruption on the site by the worshipers of Tezcatlipoka
had two different effects on the Lamas; the young ones showed
concern in their faces, but the three elder Lamas seemed to be
pleased and indeed were smiling at the unexpected occurrence.
Their eyes were focused on the huge incensory a few feet away, a
thick cloud of aromatic smoke emanated from it. When the woman
finally reached the other side of the incensory opposite to
where the lamas were standing, the smoke appeared to be a
barrier that the woman could not overcome, she stopped her
advance and at that moment the Tibetan lamas concluded the
ritual ceremony that broke the third of the four energetic seals
of the Pyramid of the Sun. Unbeknownst to the Priestess of
Tezcatlipoka, her negative energy had been necessary to bring
forth the rupture of the third seal.
Regina had explained to the Witness and the four Secret
Guardians of the Tradition, that just as a Mexican had to begin
the process of awakening the Pyramid of the Sun, it was the duty
of a Mexican to conclude the awakening of the pyramid. In March
of 1993 the Guardians of the Tradition performed the last ritual
ceremony and broke the 4th. and last seal, the one
that sat on top of the pyramid. It was then that the powerful
and subtle energies of the Cosmos and the Earth united to
generate a light energy for the use of any human being on the
planet who wishes to use it for the realization of a higher
consciousness. The first step in the process of re-polarization
of the Earth’s spiritual and consciousness energies had been
achieved. The Pyramid of the Sun has been reactivated and is now
fully functional as the energy resonator it was constructed to
has become a common site to see Tibetan lamas performing rituals
all over Mesoamerica and South America; the purpose of these
rituals is to reactivate all of the geomagnetic points on the
American Cordillera and facilitate the spiritual re-polarization
of the planet. Perhaps this is why China is becoming the great
materialist, while the Americas are seeing a revitalization of
its spiritual dimension. The task for all of us appears to be
straightforward, to promote and guide a paradigm shift, a
spiritual and consciousness awakening based on the ancient
knowledge of the rhythms of a living Earth and a living Cosmos.